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A1 Acquisition of mobile assets. Acquisition of a research vessel for research activities carried out along the entire navigable sector of River Danube. Acquisition of an Autolaboratory.

A2 Acquisition of a building with the afferent land in order to organize modern laboratories.

A3 Acquisition of tangible assets (mobile systems, installations, research equipment) for the research vessel according to its capabilities and tangible assets (installations, research equipment) for the fixed research center within the REXDAN project.

A4 Acquisition of intangible assets required for implementing the project, developing the project activities and processing the project results.

A5 Project management.

A6 Project implementation.

A7 Dissemination and publicity of the project and of the activities implemented.

A8 Project audit.

udjgAddress: Domnească Street, no. 47, Galați, Romania
Phone: 0336 130 109
Website: www.ugal.ro
REXDAN Research Infrastructurerexdan final
Address: George Coșbuc Street, 98, 800385, Galati, Romania