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General objectives

GO1. Increasing the research capacity of “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați in the field of intelligent specialization: energy, environment, climate change in the Danube river basin with the aim of including the infrastructure financed by the project in the National Roadmap of research infrastructures in Romania 2017- 2027, approved by the Minister of Research and Innovation Order no. 624 / 03.10.2017 and of ensuring synergies with the projects Danubius RI and ACTRIS, both of which are included in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI).

GO2. Intensifying the Romanian contribution to the progress of multidisciplinary knowledge on research areas of complex interest. REXDAN approaches both fundamental areas such as: ecology, chemistry, physics, biology, environmental science, etc., and areas such as: aquatic ecosystems including water, soil, sediments, flora, fauna, environment, climate change, the impact of anthropogenic activity, sustainable development, etc.

REXDAN creates opportunities for a unique experimental base on inland waters in Europe and facilitates Romania's participation in top multidisciplinary research projects which combine the fundamental part with applied research. These activities are carried out in collaboration not only with representatives of the academia, but also with other state and private structures, thus diversifying the Romanian ​​participation in large-scale projects.a


Specific objectives

SO1 Increasing the scientific capacity of "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati in the field of intelligent specialization: energy, environment, climate change, its institutional visibility at European and international levels and the applicability of those research results with direct effect on the economic and social development, by exploiting the opportunities created within large research infrastructures. "Dunărea de Jos" University of Galati has contributed, to a great extent, in the research related to River Danube and to its associated ecosystems, especially on issues concerning the environment and climate change.

SO2 Combining scientific objectives with objectives aimed at developing the society.

SO3 Supporting research excellence, a basic condition for the future involvement in major international projects and strategies, by including the distributed research infrastructures, DANUBIUS and ACTRIS, in the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures - ESFRI.

SO4 Creating the appropriate conditions for enlarging and multiplying European partnerships, through the active involvement of the G13 countries, including Romania. This objective is in keeping with Romania's position and with the principle defined by the European Parliament for the Horizon Europe framework programme 2021-2027.

SO5 Establishing partnerships with the countries bordering the Danube based on the possibility offered by the REXDAN mobile infrastructure to carry out interdisciplinary research along 2000 km, which highlights the internationalization capacity of REXDAN.

Transversal objectives

TO1 Encouraging the development of high-performance human resources by hiring new researchers and creating superior research / working conditions for the existing ones.

TO2 Prioritizing the use of resources and making them more efficient by focusing on modern and current research in a European and international context. Research has a well-established tradition within “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați.

TO3 Promoting equal opportunities and eliminating any forms of discrimination in research, not only at the level of the University and of REXDAN, but also at the level of the partnerships and projects involving “Dunărea de Jos” University of Galați.

TO4 Supporting the active participation of scientific research in decision-making processes on sustainable development at regional and European levels.

udjgAddress: Domnească Street, no. 47, Galați, Romania
Phone: 0336 130 109
Website: www.ugal.ro
REXDAN Research Infrastructurerexdan final
Address: George Coșbuc Street, 98, 800385, Galati, Romania