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The Chromatography Laboratory

The Chromatography Laboratory is devoted to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of volatile and non-volatile organic pollutants and of toxic cations and anions in liquid and solid environmental samples. The performance of the equipment in the laboratory supports high-resolution and exact mass identifications of compounds found in complex matrices.

  • analysis of pharmaceutical compounds from water, sediment and aquatic biota samples;
  • analysis of halogenated disinfection by-products and chlorinated solvents in water;
  • determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from water and sediment;
  • determination of organophosphorus pesticides from solid and liquid environmental samples;
  • monitoring of ozone precursors, polar and non-polar volatile organic compounds, halogenated compounds and oxygenated volatile organic compounds (aldehydes and ketones) in ambient air;
  • determination of pesticides and insecticides levels in water, sediment and biota;
  • analysis of toxic ions in water samples;
  • determination of organic pollutants in wastewater.
  1. Presentation file
  2. Photo gallery
udjgAddress: Domnească Street, no. 47, Galați, Romania
Phone: 0336 130 109
Website: www.ugal.ro
REXDAN Research Infrastructurerexdan final
Address: George Coșbuc Street, 98, 800385, Galati, Romania